Sunday 4 October 2015

"Vi vil plante et træ" (We will plant a tree)

Dedicated to those teachers who believed in my project "Creating Tomorrow's Schools Today" and are enjoying it now. I would like to be in Wales with you but you know that "shit happens". Keep up with the good work anyway!


Miguel Ángel

Greetings from Denmark!

"Vi vil plante et træ" (We will plant a tree), an unofficial anthem of the Danish educational system. Planting trees and training children for life so as to make a better world. That's exactly what you do.

Vi vil plante et træ

(we will plant a tree)

som skal vokse sig stort

(there will grow up great)

helt op hvor himmelen bliver blå

(right up to where the sky is blue)

for vi vill gerne bevare vore grønne jord

(because we want to preserve our green earth)

så den er god at leve på

(so it is good to live in on)

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