This year one out of five our teams got into World Finals in Iowa State University in the USA. And we're going there this Tuesday.

The task is not so easy, as children have to come up with an extraordinary solution to a so-called Long Term problem and then, during the competition, they also have to create as many solutions as possible to a Spontaneous.
Yet, we've made it and we are extremely proud of that, so keep your fingers crossed! :)
Here's a summary of the Long Term Problem our students chose:
Problem: Classics... Aesop Gone Viral
Teams will create and present an original performance about a fable gone "viral." The problem will include a list of fables attributed to Aesop. Teams will select one and portray it, and its moral, as going viral - that is, being shared throughout the community and beyond. The performance will be set in a past era and include a narrator character, an artistic representation of the fable's moral, and a character that makes a wrong conclusion about the moral and is corrected.
We will keep our fingers crossed. Good luck:)