Saturday 14 May 2016

And 50.000!

Great job! 50.000 TOTAL PAGEVIEWS!
How do you feel? Please, leave a comment...


  1. Wowwww! These are really good news! It means that all the work and effort done by all the people who contributes to this project is having its results! I just can't explain it, but this project and all of you have become a really important part of my life! Thanks to all the people who made this possible.

  2. Congratulations!!!! You are doing an awesome job! Thank you very much for your effort and for all the time you are spending on this project. Our children will benefit from it and we really appreciate it. Thanks a lot!

  3. Felicidades y gracias por mantener vivo este proyecto. El esfuerzo y la ilusión que ponéis cada día se nota y estamos agradecidos de ser participes y protagonistas a través de nuestros hijos. Animo y seguir así!!!

  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! GREAT JOB!!! It,s really a good idea this project because children are enjoying what they do and this is a very good way of learning!!

  5. I feel good. I knew that I would. Lalala...
