In Thuringia now there are 29 of these schools- just a few of Primary schools.
We applied for this title because of some special points of the educational concept in our school:
Children learn English from the year 1- in the age of 6 years. They start learning French in year 3- aged 9. So they become openminded for other languages and cultures in early years.
We take part in different Erasmus+ (former Comenius) projects to share our experiences. Some of our teachers have taken part in language training abroad or jobshadowing. They improve their knowledge and skills for the job as a teacher. In the last years we have being happy about language assistants and teachers from different countries for jobshadowing. Next time we're going to apply for single mobilities, next projects and partner schools.
We are very proud about getting the title just before our schools party on the 10th of May. Guests from the ministery and politics, the mayor of our town, parents, teacher and pupils from the "European school" Ostschule Gera (a secondary comprehensive school) and much more, also teachers and children shared this very moment with us. The choir sang the European hymn.
Our head and the mayor of Gera |
The choir "Kästner- Kids" |
Congratulations! |
An "European cake" |