The children of the fourth class are studying the rivers ancient civilizations lived about 4000 years ago.
In class we prepared the timeline from 5000 BC to date. Each student has achieved his notebook on that completes regularly inserting new civilizations studied.
We started with the Sumerians and we are now studying the Egyptians.
The Ziqqurat |
First we made a brainstorm to find out what students know, what they would like to find out how and would like to study. From here we started.
Children express much interest in the use of information technology, group work and practical experience.
For this I planned different activities using various instruments: first lego blocks to stimulate the design, the creative and the motivation of students;
digital platforms as BLANDESPACE ( where students can review lessons presented in class at the digital blackboard or other multimedia tools like HSTRY ( ) to make time lines or PADLET ( to synthesize class work.
Finally I will use experiments, practical and manual workshops to increase creativity and fun.