This year my students discover prehistory. I and my trainee teacher after the general introduction started with dinosaurs. We decided to intruduce the
topic with a video and a power point. Then we created a map and finally
we proposed to the children to work in groups.
Each group had a topic of research (brontosaurus, pterodactyl,..). After
have found the informations they created a little book that collects
all the research of the groups. They used that book to study and prepare
the oral exposition about the dinosaurs.
second part of the project is about learn the names of body parts of
dinosaurs. We proposed a game: after have shown the part of dinosaurs
using a poster, we hung on the blackboard the poster and we put some
flashcards representing the parts of the body on the teacher desk.
children were divided in two groups, we call one child for group and
then we tell the name of a body part. The players had to look for the
right part and put it on the poster.

Afetr that, to strengthen the knowledges we propose other games: telephone without threads and guess the dino, recompose the words, a game of spelling and guess the dino (like the game "guess who" but using the characteristics of dinosaurs.
The study will continue with the Quaternary age when it appeared prehistoric man.