Tuesday 17 November 2015

A special public day at our Erich Kästner Primary School A parents- pupils- media- day

The Ministery of Education in Thuringia has choosen our school for opening of two important projects to the public. There is a handout advice for parents in using TV and different channels matching to the development of the children. It's called "Flimmo". And appropiate to this an advice in using the internet called "Internet- ABC".
Together we've organised this day of using different medias on Saturday, the 14th of November. There were a lot of people in our school on this day. We offered interesting workshops for pupils and parents together. There was a large number of activities around for the smaller sibblings- and pupils, too. In the hall you could buy some toys, books,...in a flea market. You could have a cup of coffee and some cake or a slice of bread with schmalz.
All guests and children were feeling good  while learning together and spending time together.
A great day for all!

Together we build a crocodile
Mums building Mr Learnie

Learning English and French words- comparing

Making a comic- together

Safer surfing in the net- Internet ABC

What are the kids doing with social media

Tablet apps for learning

Creating a playmobile story

Jessica- a former pupil of our school is playing the guitar- a crowded assembly hall

Notebooks for learning- translating a story into signs

Silvia Hoffmann

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